Getting Started with Smily Engineering Blog

Karol Galanciak
August 31, 2023
1 min to read

Welcome to Smily (formerly BookingSync) Engineering Blog!

We've been thinking about writing a technical blog for a while, especially since we've wanted to share many exciting things for years that might be valuable to a broader community of software developers. Given the abundance of ideas, now is the excellent time to commit to it finally!

Most of the blog posts will cover some ideas and challenges we regularly deal with at Smily. Hopefully, this will not only give you some insights about our engineering team but also give you some direct answers and solutions to your questions or inspire you to try something new.

For a start, we will share some insights about our ecosystem and architecture and describe in more detail some open-source tools we've released so far. And some that are about to be released publicly, which clearly deserve a dedicated article  ;).


Karol Galanciak
August 31, 2023
1 min to read